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A Look At Our Training Programs

Amp up your Debating Journey by seeing the professional training from the Expert Coaches & Debaters in the circuit with our Debate Programs.

The best training program is suggested for you basis the evaluation of your current skill sets.


KSD Assesment

City Debating Club - Level 1

City Debating Club - Level 2

Accelerator Debate Program

Find out the full curriculum details By Registering below


- Evaluation of KSD levels with
a Detailed Skill Readiness Report

-Enables personalized guidance 

- Objective Progress Benchmarking

- Indicates Tournament Readiness


Objective - Speech Creation and Research Skills 

6 Theory Sessions, 2 Group Discussions, 4 Mock Debates and Quizzes

Curriculum covers Fundamentals of Debate & Introduction to Research Skills 

Formats - Conventional Debating, SPAR & WSDC Intro
- Invite to National Tournaments
- Recommended for Beginners - Grades 3 to 5; 6 to 8


Objective - Impactful Argumentation and Speech Delivery 

13 Intensive Training sessions with a Formal Tournament

Curriculum covers learning kinds of argumentation, persuasive debating and Case line development with Multiple theme sessions

Formats - WSDC & Parliamentary Debates
-Invite to National Tournaments, Swing Option Practice, Select International Tournament

-Recommended after CDC 1- Grades 6 to 8 and 9 to 12


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Objective - Debate Mastery for the
Win Teams

15 sessions, spread to cover 7
Competitive Debate Modules with 7 Mocks and Finale Tournament

Curriculum covers Advanced Techniques - Rebuttal, Weighing & Strategic Case Prep on 8 Debate Themes

Popular Formats - WSDC, Public Forum, Lincoln Douglas, Parliamentary Debates

-NationaI Tournaments in 8+ IITs; International Tournaments - < name >

-Recommended afterdebaters, Training for ISDS National Camp, International Championships


Reach out to Customize your Debating Journey with us

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